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Many of Hays CISD students are already bringing their own device to schools. Our goal is to provide opportunities for students to utilize their personal technology tools to enhance learning while practicing valuable digital citizenship skills. Click here for our back to school newsletter with more information about DYOD.
Digital Citizenship Expectations for Students
More information about the expectations for students using their own devices at school can be found in our handbook.
As a digital citizen, I will:
use technology responsibly
comply with network security policies
ask permission before taking or posting photos/video of someone else
stay on task while using technology in class
think before I post information online
protect my private information
stand up to cyber bullying
respect other's intellectual property

Q: Will students be using a secured network while at school?
Hays CISD offers filtered wireless access where available. Students are asked to connect their devices to our wifi while at school instead of using their own data plan.
Q: How do students login to Hays CISD wifi?
K-12 students will be provided with a login to the district wifi. This login is the same login as their computer login that they use to access computers throughout the district for 6-12 grade students. K-5 students can login to the wifi using their ID number for both the username and the password.
Q: Does Hays CISD have enough bandwidth for this initiative?
Infrastructure upgrades funded since 2014 have increased wifi connectivity througout the district. Technical infrastructure and professional development supports have been provided and all devices are supported.
Q: What if my student does not bring their own technology device? Will the district provide one?
If an instructional activity requires access to technology, the teacher will arrange to check out school provided devices for the lesson. Access to devices for students is a top priority for us. Since 2014 hundreds of devices have been added to each campus K-12 in Hays CISD/
Q: What kind of things will students be doing with their device at school?
This will vary by grade level, and by school. We will focus our professional
learning efforts on DYOD integration into instruction. Some examples include:
Native apps on devices to help with academic productivity such as calendars for planning and note taking apps for studying. Many apps do not even require wifi.
Students can use digital tools to create things that supplement their learning such as Educreations screencasts to explain their thinking, WeVideo videos to conclude a project, apps such as Popplet to create a graphic organizer, and Google Drive to collaborate on documents. Many of these engaging multipurpose apps are free.
Educational apps that are helpful for a specific content area. This may include letter practice for a Kindergartener, or an interactive solar system app for a fifth grader.
Many of our instructional materials have digital components and the district has digital subscriptions such as eBooks on Overdrive and educational games on Brainpop.
Q: Why is it called DYOD instead of BYOD?
Students have been bringing their devices to school for several years in Hays CISD. The BYOD program we introduced this year (Drive Your Own Device) demonstrates our vision that students will utilize technology to power their learning.
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