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Forwarding Hays Gmail Email to your First Class Email
Linking files from Google to your Email Instead of Attaching
Connecting to Hays CISD Wireless Network
Enabling Restrictions on iPads
Enabling iPad Passcode Lock
for iOS 8
Installing Airwatch on iPads
Creating an Apple ID without a Credit Card
Commenting in Google Docs, Sheets and Slides
Google Classroom Tutorial
(originally for the Google Apps Eduphoria Course)
90 Seconds with Google:
Signing In
90 Seconds with Google:
Mail Basics
90 Seconds with Google:
Forwarding Hays Gmail to Outlook
90 Seconds with Google:
Google Drive Basics #1
Information Technology Tutorials
by Chris Morelock
Miscellaneous Tutorials
Workflow Tutorials
by Tracy Mulligan
Workflow in 90 Seconds:
Setting up an Account in YouTube
Workflow in 90 Seconds:
Sharing from students to teacher with no email
Worfklow in 90 Seconds:
Youtube blocked? Share to students with Vimeo.
Workflow in 90 Seconds:
Turn in student work with Google Forms
Launching Mirror360
Learn how to wirelessly mirror your iPad
How to change your photo on your desktop Outlook
iPad Stand Tutorial - Justand V2e
Learn the basics of how to use your iPad stand.