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How to Hangout
Learn about using Google Hangouts to further not just your learning, but your students learnign as well.
First Steps with My iPad
Need more help with the basics of learning to use the iPad in your classroom? This course is for you.
Google Apps
Learn how to use and collaborate with all of Google's Apps for Education including Mail, Calendar, Docs, Sheets, Presentations, Forms, Classroom and more.
Getting Started with Learning.com
This is a video lesson on how to get started using Learning.com EasyTech for your Tech App TEKS. A short quiz follows the video lesson. Credit will be awarded upon passing the quiz. Please see the Notes tab for handouts.
Learning.com Inquiry (K-8) Project Based Learning
This course is K-8 teachers interested in using Inquiry for project based learning. Inquiry is a tool that combines technology skills through projects focused on the core content standards. For each grade level there are 6 projects (2 Math, 2 ELAR, 1 Science, 1 Social Studies).
How to Author an Eduphoria eCourse
Staff members that want to create an Eduphoria eCourse for PD purposes in Hays CISD will need to complete this course.
Integrating Technology Apps TEKs
Learn about integrating Tech Apps TEKs in your classroom!

Free iBooks are available for self-paced learning in bite sized chunks. Check out some of the titles available. To view a complete list of books, click on your iBooks app.

One Best Thing series
Apple Education series