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iStation (3-8)
Part of the Texas Success Initiative Funded by TEA
Reading support and adaptive computer assessments to improve phonemic awareness, vocabulary and comprehension.

Think Central (K-8)
District adopted instructional resource.
Holt Online Learning
District adopted instructional resource.
Write Source (K-8)
District adopted instructional resource.
Essential Physics
District adopted instructional resource.
STEMScopes is our supplemental science adoption that includes interactive activities and problem based learning activitiesputer assessments to improve phonemic awareness, vocabulary and comprehension.
All Hays CISD high school students have Google Apps accounts to use as a collaboration tool.
Online learning system for grades 6-12. This tool is used for credit recovery, credit acceleration, and blended learning.
Learning.com (K-8)
Provides interactive technology applications instruction and projects integrated with the core curriculum.
BrainPopJr. (K-3)
Videos and quizzes on a variey of topics.
BrainPop (4-8)
Videos and quizzes on a variety of topics.

Discovery Education
Discovery Education accelerates school districts' digital transition through comprehensive standards-based content, professional development, formative assessment, and community engagement proven to positively impact student achievement.
Easily create lessons in minutes for your next class. Import files (pdf, ppt, jpg) or Google slides and add interactive activities, websites, and videos to keep your students engaged in their learning.